Thursday, March 31, 2011

Always a Procrastinator

Tomorrow is the Lady Gaga concert  (SO excited!!) and I want to dress in her "Bubble Dress" outfit. Well, I bought the stuff to do it like 2 months ago and... I started on it tonight at 11pm. I'm using these Christmas ornaments that are clear and putting them on a long, white tank top with a white tutu underneath. Kinda ambitious for starting the night before. Here's where I was at midnight, all of them were arranged:
It's now 2am and I'm done with all but the shoulders, because that part requires super glue, which I need to get. 

Oh and I ran 4 miles today without walking much! It was such a gorgeous day!


1 comment:

  1. Don't put them on your butt if you want to sit for the concert...give Stevie a few for her butt so it'll look like wet farts :)hahaha
