Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Britney Spears Day!

I watched her on GMA  and the city of SF declared today National Brit-Brit Day - hoorah!

I got up very early (for me), got in line at the Laguna Hills Mall Radio Shack at 8:30, and stood there for an hour and a half. All in the hopes of scoring an iPad 2. One would think that by now they would be easier to obtain. I was the 7th one in line and we had a fun little group of the 1st 7 of us that made friends and made the wait actually fun :)
HOWEVER... There were only 5 iPads :( Booooo. My new little friend Julie and I (and the 30 people behind me) were denied :(

Later I went for a run at Salt Creek Beach (and practiced with my new Pano app):
Salt Creek has a lovely 3.5 mile bike/run trail loop with beautiful views throughout most of it. But at one point it goes thru a tunnel, which does not provide a good view. A couple of years ago I jogged this trail with Tedd (while Stevie sat on a bench haha) and we decided to race each other thru said tunnel. So now, every time I do this trail I sprint through the tunnel like lightning and it's fun!

Again, a very Happy Britney Spears Day to you all!


  1. Sad that Renriko dropped from her tour...things just don't go well for her...Darn those evasive IPads :)

  2. Yep, I sat on the bench. I hate running, always have.

    So close to getting your iPad. That's sad. I think you should just order it online like me. It ships to me in 20 LONG days. :(

    FYI, Britney's coming to OC in June...
