Saturday, March 19, 2011

Top O' the St. Patrick's Day to Ya

Went to a big Irish bar (Hennessey's in Dana Point) this afternoon/evening with the clique. Fun! Colleen & Dave brought Heidi and she looked so cuuuuute in all her green, with her first, tiny pigtails!
We, of course, loved how she grabbed Colleen's beer:
And I love that Dave gave her his old Hulk Hogan toy to chew on hahaha:
Later on, Hulk enjoyed some Shepherd's Pie:

In other news, the house is still being staged. Dear god, I feel like it will never end. The lady is here ALL day, every day. She has been here until 11pm every night!! I made a video about my feelings on this, but it won't upload. Will try it again tomorrow.


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