Monday, March 14, 2011

Wacked-Out Pi Day

So the housekeeper and I spent the day readying the house for the staging people and movers (they want the house to look more modern so it will sell). We each have a long list, but I ended up spending the whole time clearing out the pantry and didn't get to anything else on my list. So here's the damn cleared-out pantry (it was FULL of my stuff, Kim's pots & pans, her mom's stuff, etc). Hooray!:

And here's my room the last time it will look this way. No more colorful, Sammie-style after tomorrow's staging:

Then I tutored 5 kids til almost 10 at night. It was an exhausting day! The Acacio girls each got brand-new MacBook Pro's this weekend and I showed them how to use them. I love teaching people how to use their laptops! We took a PhotoBooth pic that pretty much sums up my weird, tiring day:

Oh and The Bachelor! The emotions! Not giving anything away just in case, but my heart hurt for her, poor thing. She puts it all out there on the line for him yet the one that kinda shoots him down gets picked. Love is weeeeeeird. But then I'm so happy for those 2 that i got all choked up! haha I hate that I love that show.

Happy Pi Day!



  1. Cool pantry - And the Bachelor - well, I don't like him at all. He's just a loon. And Emily - she is a bit to much of a flake for me. I liked the other one. I still think you should go on the show Sam - just for fun! Not to find a guy of course -

  2. Sounds like you had a busy day...I thought the bachelor ending was awkward...he seems so into Emily and she's a 0...and I don't think she's that into him! Oh well...

  3. I agree with you both! Emily is blah and flakey.
