Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fud! Yah, you know it!

I was behind this truck today and that made me laugh. 

I always post pics of Henry Miller and I thought his sister Emily (8th grade) deserved some attention too. 
She's really cute and fun! And taller than me!

Oh and I've got a few Words With Friends games goin' on, and the ones with adults are lovely, friendly games. But the kids I have games with (McCall and Henry) totally trash-talk on the chat part and it's hilarious. 
Henry (Mr Abbs): "Try to beet this. Loozer."
McCall: I just got a word for 20 pts, sucker"
haha ridiculous!



  1. I quit Words With Friends months ago because it would take me weeks to log back in to play--got annoying for others.
