Sunday, March 6, 2011

Funnnn, Crazy Saturday!

Goooorgeous Day! Timmy & I had our own little pool party this afternoon until he had to leave for rehearsal at 1. Then Kim & Trent came over and re-started the party. Then I met Colleen & Heidi at the San Clemente Pier at 4 and we went on a 3 hour walk. 
I've been given 2 "Flat Stanley"-type things this week so I took a picture with each on our walk. My friend Melanie from Denison sent me her son's "Orangey, the Traveling Bear," and Samantha Brewster (one of my faaaavorite students last yr) sent me her "Flat Samantha."

This is the only FLAT Samantha around here...

Then I went over to the Beshks tonight and we played You Don't Know Jack on their wii and watched SNL. 
Fun day!


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