Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sad About Japan, Happy with Millers

It was a sad day, hearing about all of the destruction, deaths and missing people in the wonderful country of Japan. It makes me sick. Those are the kindest, loveliest, hardest-working people I have ever come to know, and this just breaks my heart. It's days like today that make me so grateful for facebook. I was able to get in touch with all of my Japanese friends and check on them. They are all ok but very scared. I'm getting constant updates from them and they are feeling horrible aftershocks, no running water in Tokyo, grocery stores are empty, and they have been told to not go outside without umbrellas due to the dangerous chemicals falling from the sky. But they are all still so positive and sweet. Oh I love them and am praying for their safety.

So I'm watching sweet Henry and Louisa Miller Friday/Sat. Louisa went to dinner with the Sorensons after she and McCall had play practice so Henry and I had "dinner and a movie" night haha! We went to Johnny Rockets for dinner since it was right next to the movie theater, and then we saw Rango. I laughed out loud through the entire movie. I thought it was fabulous! Then Henry and I went over to the Sorensons' to pick up Louisa and hung out there for a while. And then the 3 of us came home and watched all kinds of news videos about the tsunami together. The things that Henry says... precious. What a loving, darling boy! Here he is at Johnny Rockets enjoying the paper hat and jukebox:



  1. I think I have a crush on him. What a cutie. :)

  2. Since I met him i agree he is so precious & sincere without being nerdy! I really like him! And I'm sad for the people of Japan too.

  3. I forgot to say both of my daughters are wonderful writers...must take after the Bell side :)
