Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big P with no Bs.

I got to talk to Jen tonight for a couple of hours and it was awesome! I love her! I was telling her about how the jerks from last night hurt my feelings, and she said it must be Orlando. There are so few straight guys there that they don't have to try to be nice to girls or to be gentlemen. So true. She also said that someone once told her that Florida is a big penis hanging out in the Atlantic Ocean; a penis with no balls. haha so true!

As you can tell I am obsessed with the Instamatic app (and Sally). So here she is while I was eating lunch:
The Staging lady told me, about Sally, "He needs to be more careful now that the house is staged." This is Sally laughing at her for many reasons. Haha



  1. Did she call her a he? Loser. But I bet she gets paid the big bucks. I could be a stager too! An awesome one. Someone hire me!

  2. O - and where are you and the Steves finding such cute blog background? It's not in the design template - please don't tell me I have to design it myself!!

  3. Please watch Sally around that damn stager...keep her safe! I worry about her there.

  4. Haha yep, she called Sally a "he" after me telling her "her name is Sally" every day for a week. I think she's just about done staging. Just needs to hang the paintings (oh and maybe add more giant magnifying glasses on books and strew some more random teacups about the house haha - Tim said "these imaginary people that live here are really thirsty!")

    And I got the blog template from (what Carrie uses haha)
