Saturday, March 12, 2011


Went up to LA (Glendale) on Thursday to meet Suzy and her husband Jack for lunch at DreamWorks Animation Studios where he works. I thought I could get some good pics of the traveling bear and Flat Samantha there. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it and wanna work there now. I would love to get some education in the Social Media field and work in that area for them. I'm gonna look into that! Mark Sorenson is friends with the COO so hmm...

Here are some pics:
The entrance to DreamWorks gorgeous campus:

Inside one of the animators' office buildings:

They're working on KungFu Panda 2 right now:

Secret door handle when you open "War & Peace" on bookshelf by cubicles:

When you turn the handle, a secret wall opens with 3 bars hidden inside the eaves:

Josh, Suzy & Jack in the secret DreamWorks bar:

DreamWorks' "Boy Fishing on the Moon" logo topiary (he caught Orangey the bear!):

And then later that night I met my old Disney College Program buddy, Paul Desiderioscioli, out at a dueling piano bar at Downtown Disney and had a crazy fun night! He comes to town for a convention every March and it's always a good time. Friends for 17 years!


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