Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Child.

Oh dear sweet Baby Buddha, Sally has asthma. ONLY ME! A CAT with ASTHMA. The vet said she needs to take albuterol to help her lungs, and I was picturing sharing my inhaler with her, but it's a gel you put on her ear. Luckily it's a.) cheap and b.) not life-threatening. It will just help her breathe easier and keep her from choking so much. So, a thyroid problem and asthma. Is this a person or cat?!

Here she is at the vet, yelling very loudly. She looks mean but the vet said she's one of the SWEETEST cats he's ever met :) So proud!:

Oh! and Kendall was so cute and excited to show me her new pre-pointe shoes today! She is a such a  kind, sweet girl :)



  1. Poor Sally has always had breathing & respitory issues...hopefully she'll be better! How old is Kendall? cute!

  2. You know how much I love pictures of Sally yelling. :)

  3. Awww - poor Sally girl. But Sam, I am sooo proud of you for taking such good care of her. She is a lucky kitty. And what the heck are "pre pointe" shoes? Either you are up or you are not. ???

  4. Kendall is 10 and they're not allowed to go full-on en pointe til they're 12 at this Russian ballet studio, so Bloch makes these demi-pointe shoes (without the metal bar down the middle) that they wear before they go en pointe. Here's the description form the Bloch website:

    The demipointe is a transitional shoe from the ballet flat to the pointeshoe. The Tensus demipointe features an adjusted pointe shoe box construction, which is softer but still allows the dancer to experience the feel of a pointeshoe. The insole and outsole work together to provide the correct amount of resistance needed for foot and ankle strength development. The padded insole cushion provides extra comfort.

    And thank you! I am a good kitty mom! :):)
