Friday, March 4, 2011

SallyCat & GreerDog

So I've actually been home for a few consecutive days and The Sallster is beside herself with happiness. The sun shines into the kitchen in the morning (well, "early afternoon" for most, but morning for me) and Sally has a favorite corner chair where she soaks it in. 

Here she is watching the birds:

Here she is making weird, machine-gun noises at birds that get too close:

Here she is looking at me like I'm a weirdo for taking pics of this:

And here she is yelling at me for disturbing her bird-watching:

Haha I love Sally!

Then tonight I stayed over at the Jacobs after tutoring Lindsay to watch American Idol with them, and Greer had just come back from a soccer game. She was filthy!! Such a pretty, delicate-featured, blonde girl and SUCH a tomboy!! Love her. Thought you'd enjoy, Stevie!

Little Greer got her first cell phone this weekend:

 And here she is "posing for Stevie and Tedd!" haha
Oh how those 2 have grown up in the past 5 years!!! 
They were 7 & 9 when I met them!!


  1. Sally really is looking good...she has filled out and her fur is looking pretty...amazing! Greer has grown so much...too darn pretty to be a tomboy!

  2. Thanks, Mom!! I think sweet Sally is feeling so much better <3 And Greer will rule the world one day, I swear.

  3. Greer and Sally yelling all in one post!?! This might be the best yet! :)
