Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Saturday of Staging, Sorensons & SuperMoon

So I took a few pics of the house this morning. It's about 75% staged and looks really nice! I don't hate my room, it's just a little blah.

I watched the Sorensons all day today! Trent and I went to an orientation at the Laguna homeless shelter and we're really excited to volunteer there! We're going to cook dinner for 40 homeless on April 1st. 
Then we picked up McCall from her soccer game - she scored a goal! We played around a little on the playground:

Then tonight we went up to the highest point in Laguna, Alta Laguna, and hiked in the dark all the way up to the top to check out the SuperMoon. I can't believe I've never been there! So cool!:

Then we came home and watched The Fighter and we started it a 9 and were hoping to finish it before parents got home b/c it's rated R. But they got home when there were 15 minutes left!! SO SUCKY! We had to turn it off so I don't know how it ended. Need to watch it asap cuz it was good!



  1. The mansion looks warmer...sounds like you've been busy.

  2. Oh except for your room...not you at all!!!

  3. That room looks perfect for ME. Ha! What fun with the Sorensons. I loved Trent's picture of him in NY. Hilarious. Oh, and my first blog entry was about how much Tedd and I loved The Fighter. So good!
