Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lady Gaga Concert Thurs, 3/31

So Robby (Sorensons' tennis coach) came to pick me up at my house at 4 then we went to go get the Sorensons. We took a few pics in their yard before we left.
 Then Robby took us all to Gulfstream in Newport Beach for dinner. It was happy hour there, and that place is already quite a scene. People were coming up to me from all over to see my costume, take pics, etc. It was fun!

 Then Robby dropped us off at the Lady Gaga concert at the Honda Center in Anaheim. Before we even got in, the OC Register asked to take my pic for the paper. And then as soon as we walked in, the Virgin Mobile people came up to me and asked me to do a photo shoot  haha.
I had ALL KINDS of people ask to get a pic with me. Like "Lauren" here. "She" was so nice!
I was seriously asked to take over 100 pics with people!
 Then while we were waiting in our seats, my text got on the big screen but I wasn't expecting it and didn't get a good pic. It says "McCall and SB r hereeeeeee!!!!"
 McCall got a cute, appropriate Lady Gaga shirt
 The concert was FABULOUS!!!
 I love Lady Gaga!!

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