Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I ran a 10K today!! Actually I ran even longer - 7 miles!!! I was trying to get the foursquare "10K badge" but I checked my mileage at the 1/2-way point and forgot to hit "resume." OMG I was so bummed when I got home and it said I only ran 3 1/2 miles!!! I guess I just have to do it again...
I ran from my house to the Dana Point Pier and back. I crossed the new Dana Point pedestrian bridge for the first time:
I may have been delirious but this made me laugh:
Really? Boats are supposed to drive down the left side of the road?
And I also noticed this sign for the first time. Are these new or did I just not notice them before?:
I think new.


1 comment:

  1. wow what a run...and great scenery! That sunami sign is scary...none of those in Cols...
