Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thurs April 7 - SeaWorld!!!

Had SUCH a fun day at SeaWorld with Colleen, Dave & Heidi!! They brought their good camera and got a lot of great shots but I don't have them yet...which is why I was waiting to blog, but oh well! Here are some of my iPhone shots:
We rode my favorite ride first (Journey to Atlantis) (well, actually we had beers first)! I got to ride it twice while they took turns watching the baby. It's SO fun! Here's Dave & I:
We saw lots of cute sea animals!

Heidi was a adorable, once again. Best. Baby. Ever. Here she is touching a starfish:
 And here we are being dorks riding the green screen whale. 
I need to scan the real "after pic" in.



  1. Looked like alot of funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Can't wait to see more pics :) /whats the grren whale thing?

  2. I love, love, love Sea World. But, where is my walrus? Boo.
