Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday Surprise!

So I went for a run today and there are GOATS by the horse stables now! 2 cute, little goats! I could hear them as I was walking down the driveway - omg so cute!!! I love them!! Here is a video of them and some pics of them and the horses along my Dramatic Driveway:

Then Kim had her driver pick me up at 4 for a surprise and we went over to her friend Scott's house on Newport Harbor. He is the developer of Crocs. Nice guy! Cool house on the water! They were hoping I'd like his friend, Brett, who was in town. He was fun but he's 52 and has a beard. A grey beard. Aaaanyway - we had a fun day! Here's me enjoying the fancy life:



  1. Darn darn darn darn...why can't they introduce you to someone you'd actually get interested in :( 52 is OLD though but he could always color his beard...

  2. I love goats! Horses, not so much... Anyway, that's a cute picture of you. You look skinny.
