Thursday, March 31, 2011

Always a Procrastinator

Tomorrow is the Lady Gaga concert  (SO excited!!) and I want to dress in her "Bubble Dress" outfit. Well, I bought the stuff to do it like 2 months ago and... I started on it tonight at 11pm. I'm using these Christmas ornaments that are clear and putting them on a long, white tank top with a white tutu underneath. Kinda ambitious for starting the night before. Here's where I was at midnight, all of them were arranged:
It's now 2am and I'm done with all but the shoulders, because that part requires super glue, which I need to get. 

Oh and I ran 4 miles today without walking much! It was such a gorgeous day!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Britney Spears Day!

I watched her on GMA  and the city of SF declared today National Brit-Brit Day - hoorah!

I got up very early (for me), got in line at the Laguna Hills Mall Radio Shack at 8:30, and stood there for an hour and a half. All in the hopes of scoring an iPad 2. One would think that by now they would be easier to obtain. I was the 7th one in line and we had a fun little group of the 1st 7 of us that made friends and made the wait actually fun :)
HOWEVER... There were only 5 iPads :( Booooo. My new little friend Julie and I (and the 30 people behind me) were denied :(

Later I went for a run at Salt Creek Beach (and practiced with my new Pano app):
Salt Creek has a lovely 3.5 mile bike/run trail loop with beautiful views throughout most of it. But at one point it goes thru a tunnel, which does not provide a good view. A couple of years ago I jogged this trail with Tedd (while Stevie sat on a bench haha) and we decided to race each other thru said tunnel. So now, every time I do this trail I sprint through the tunnel like lightning and it's fun!

Again, a very Happy Britney Spears Day to you all!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just a Monday

**ATTENTION: WATCH the youtube vid I emailed you tonight (Saunders v. Gaga). DO IT.

Nothing super exciting today. Tutored Riley and she's a SWEET thing. I have Flat Samantha for one more week so I got a pic of her with Riley in all her peppy cuteness. She got 2 of those feather hair extension things (Riley, not Flat Samantha) - you can see one of hers here. I may do it. They do them at Fashion Island's Dry Bar - the blowout place - which I wanted to try anyway! 

Then tonight I came home and did my new workout ritual - Netflix instant queue on Apple TV. Netflix has a LOT of workouts avail for instant download thru Apple TV or wii (I have over 30 in my queue rt now) so I'm doing a different one every (well, almost every) day to find which ones I like best. I really like the Crunch ones. This is Fat Blasting Dance Party. I hope this party blasts my fat:


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today I met up with Andy Hospodar, and old friend from High School. We hadn't seen each other since the 10 year reunion... 10 years ago! We met in Sunset Beach at a Hawaiian restaurant called "Don the Beachcomber." It was  funfunfun!! We had mai tais and caught up and laughed our asses off at the Hawaiian band. The singer loved me. He told me I looked like a princess and then called me up on stage to hula with them in front of a packed restaurant (even Don himself was there!) haha


No Swallows for Me

Sooo, I was up at 5:30am today. On a Saturday. ME! I watched the darling Thurin kids while their parents were in Tahoe. First I made them a yummy breakfast which included chicken apple sausage sliced up into little crispy discs. The Miller kids eat sausage that way b/c they don't like the "pop" feeling when you bite into sausage links and I TOTALLY get and appreciate that. And the Thurins LOVED it, hooray! 
I got another photo app that I'm obsessed with and it creates Panoramic photos from a series of regular photos that you take. I tried it out on the Thurins' back yard because it's cool. That's their treehouse on the left, waaaay up high, with a view of the ocean on the right. (Make sure to click on it to rlly see it)
Then Julien and I sat thru little Sarah's softball game (9 yr olds). Rough. The other team (Fountain Valley) was huge, WT and nasty to the pretty little Newport Beach girls. But we won 7-6! Sarah's brother, Julien (6th grade), and I laughed the entire time. He's so sweet! 
Then we all went to Julien's basketball game. It was at the Salvation Army community center in Anaheim. OMG, GHETTOOOO. Then their Grandpa came and took over in the early evening.
I was supposed to go to to the Swallows Day festivities today but I got home so late from watching the kids that Ashley and Justin had already moved on to a party somewhere. Plus I fell asleep on the couch right when I got home. Sucky! I was so excited to go. Last year was so much fun! Oh well, next year!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fud! Yah, you know it!

I was behind this truck today and that made me laugh. 

I always post pics of Henry Miller and I thought his sister Emily (8th grade) deserved some attention too. 
She's really cute and fun! And taller than me!

Oh and I've got a few Words With Friends games goin' on, and the ones with adults are lovely, friendly games. But the kids I have games with (McCall and Henry) totally trash-talk on the chat part and it's hilarious. 
Henry (Mr Abbs): "Try to beet this. Loozer."
McCall: I just got a word for 20 pts, sucker"
haha ridiculous!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big P with no Bs.

I got to talk to Jen tonight for a couple of hours and it was awesome! I love her! I was telling her about how the jerks from last night hurt my feelings, and she said it must be Orlando. There are so few straight guys there that they don't have to try to be nice to girls or to be gentlemen. So true. She also said that someone once told her that Florida is a big penis hanging out in the Atlantic Ocean; a penis with no balls. haha so true!

As you can tell I am obsessed with the Instamatic app (and Sally). So here she is while I was eating lunch:
The Staging lady told me, about Sally, "He needs to be more careful now that the house is staged." This is Sally laughing at her for many reasons. Haha


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Saturday of Staging, Sorensons & SuperMoon

So I took a few pics of the house this morning. It's about 75% staged and looks really nice! I don't hate my room, it's just a little blah.

I watched the Sorensons all day today! Trent and I went to an orientation at the Laguna homeless shelter and we're really excited to volunteer there! We're going to cook dinner for 40 homeless on April 1st. 
Then we picked up McCall from her soccer game - she scored a goal! We played around a little on the playground:

Then tonight we went up to the highest point in Laguna, Alta Laguna, and hiked in the dark all the way up to the top to check out the SuperMoon. I can't believe I've never been there! So cool!:

Then we came home and watched The Fighter and we started it a 9 and were hoping to finish it before parents got home b/c it's rated R. But they got home when there were 15 minutes left!! SO SUCKY! We had to turn it off so I don't know how it ended. Need to watch it asap cuz it was good!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Top O' the St. Patrick's Day to Ya

Went to a big Irish bar (Hennessey's in Dana Point) this afternoon/evening with the clique. Fun! Colleen & Dave brought Heidi and she looked so cuuuuute in all her green, with her first, tiny pigtails!
We, of course, loved how she grabbed Colleen's beer:
And I love that Dave gave her his old Hulk Hogan toy to chew on hahaha:
Later on, Hulk enjoyed some Shepherd's Pie:

In other news, the house is still being staged. Dear god, I feel like it will never end. The lady is here ALL day, every day. She has been here until 11pm every night!! I made a video about my feelings on this, but it won't upload. Will try it again tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Child.

Oh dear sweet Baby Buddha, Sally has asthma. ONLY ME! A CAT with ASTHMA. The vet said she needs to take albuterol to help her lungs, and I was picturing sharing my inhaler with her, but it's a gel you put on her ear. Luckily it's a.) cheap and b.) not life-threatening. It will just help her breathe easier and keep her from choking so much. So, a thyroid problem and asthma. Is this a person or cat?!

Here she is at the vet, yelling very loudly. She looks mean but the vet said she's one of the SWEETEST cats he's ever met :) So proud!:

Oh! and Kendall was so cute and excited to show me her new pre-pointe shoes today! She is a such a  kind, sweet girl :)


Empty Chairs at Empty Tables...

Haha Colleen & I always quote LesMiz songs...

Anyway, crazy day! Lots of movers, contractors, & decorators here today. The sweet Sallster went to the vet for boarding. I miss her :( "Better lonely than eaten by a coyote" I always say!

I returned from tutoring at 9ish to a weird place with the weird "Staging" lady still here. She was here til 11pm! So the living room is currently empty:

The TV room has new chairs - woo!:

And the WHOLE PLACE is FULL OF BUGS (so many doors open all day)! There are flies everywhere, which is annoying, but this a-hole is killin' me:

Nightnight! Cant wait to fall asleep and have him fly in my mouth!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Wacked-Out Pi Day

So the housekeeper and I spent the day readying the house for the staging people and movers (they want the house to look more modern so it will sell). We each have a long list, but I ended up spending the whole time clearing out the pantry and didn't get to anything else on my list. So here's the damn cleared-out pantry (it was FULL of my stuff, Kim's pots & pans, her mom's stuff, etc). Hooray!:

And here's my room the last time it will look this way. No more colorful, Sammie-style after tomorrow's staging:

Then I tutored 5 kids til almost 10 at night. It was an exhausting day! The Acacio girls each got brand-new MacBook Pro's this weekend and I showed them how to use them. I love teaching people how to use their laptops! We took a PhotoBooth pic that pretty much sums up my weird, tiring day:

Oh and The Bachelor! The emotions! Not giving anything away just in case, but my heart hurt for her, poor thing. She puts it all out there on the line for him yet the one that kinda shoots him down gets picked. Love is weeeeeeird. But then I'm so happy for those 2 that i got all choked up! haha I hate that I love that show.

Happy Pi Day!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wicked Day!

I saw Wicked with Stevie today! It was wonderful and we had so much fun! 
I was running late and didn't have time to dry my hair so it was all wavy and weird. Stevie got a pic:


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sad About Japan, Happy with Millers

It was a sad day, hearing about all of the destruction, deaths and missing people in the wonderful country of Japan. It makes me sick. Those are the kindest, loveliest, hardest-working people I have ever come to know, and this just breaks my heart. It's days like today that make me so grateful for facebook. I was able to get in touch with all of my Japanese friends and check on them. They are all ok but very scared. I'm getting constant updates from them and they are feeling horrible aftershocks, no running water in Tokyo, grocery stores are empty, and they have been told to not go outside without umbrellas due to the dangerous chemicals falling from the sky. But they are all still so positive and sweet. Oh I love them and am praying for their safety.

So I'm watching sweet Henry and Louisa Miller Friday/Sat. Louisa went to dinner with the Sorensons after she and McCall had play practice so Henry and I had "dinner and a movie" night haha! We went to Johnny Rockets for dinner since it was right next to the movie theater, and then we saw Rango. I laughed out loud through the entire movie. I thought it was fabulous! Then Henry and I went over to the Sorensons' to pick up Louisa and hung out there for a while. And then the 3 of us came home and watched all kinds of news videos about the tsunami together. The things that Henry says... precious. What a loving, darling boy! Here he is at Johnny Rockets enjoying the paper hat and jukebox:



Went up to LA (Glendale) on Thursday to meet Suzy and her husband Jack for lunch at DreamWorks Animation Studios where he works. I thought I could get some good pics of the traveling bear and Flat Samantha there. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED it and wanna work there now. I would love to get some education in the Social Media field and work in that area for them. I'm gonna look into that! Mark Sorenson is friends with the COO so hmm...

Here are some pics:
The entrance to DreamWorks gorgeous campus:

Inside one of the animators' office buildings:

They're working on KungFu Panda 2 right now:

Secret door handle when you open "War & Peace" on bookshelf by cubicles:

When you turn the handle, a secret wall opens with 3 bars hidden inside the eaves:

Josh, Suzy & Jack in the secret DreamWorks bar:

DreamWorks' "Boy Fishing on the Moon" logo topiary (he caught Orangey the bear!):

And then later that night I met my old Disney College Program buddy, Paul Desiderioscioli, out at a dueling piano bar at Downtown Disney and had a crazy fun night! He comes to town for a convention every March and it's always a good time. Friends for 17 years!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weirdo at Disneyland

I went to Disneyland today for a few hours so that I could get some cool pics of Flat Samantha and Orangey the Traveling Bear. I am nice. I am also a big weirdo who walks around Disneyland alone with a flat doll and an orange bear, waiting in long, hot lines for pics with the characters. I am embarrassed for myself! I got some GREAT pics of the 2 of them with the characters tho. Every once in a while someone would say, "Would you like a pic of you with them too?" So I did appear in 2 photos:

I also ran for 40 mins and tutored 4 kids until 9:30 tonight. I am BEAT. 


If He Could Turn Back Time...

It was a beeeeeautiful day and all the horses by the house seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was:

I watch the Millers on Tuesday and I had to leave right at 6:15 so that I could tutor McCall at 6:30 and Gwendolyn at 8. Henry did not want me to leave so he "changed" the microwave clock to say it was an hour earlier. Very cute!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


When I got home this afternoon, Sally wasn't on her pink pillow on my bed! Then I looked down and saw her looking out the French doors:

A bunch of cute little bunnies were right outside my room. So sweet!:

Well, that's my excitement for the day!