Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday - THE HIKE!!

Colleen, Dave, Heidi and I hiked all day today. We didn't realize how challenging it was going to be, but it was still really, really fun! I'm laughing now remembering some of the things that happened/were said. We hiked almost 12 miles around the neighborhood of Talega in San Clemente, it took us about 5 hours and it was perfect hiking weather, thank god!

Colleen and Dave are BAD ASS, I must say - Colleen carried the baby 90% of the time and Dave pushed a heavy stroller that was full of our crap the entire time (I got a princess-climb). The hills were steeeeep, the guide maps consider them advanced level, and they did it with a baby!! I will never forget today and I can't wait to tell sweet Heidi about how her amazing her parents are someday :)

view out to ocean:

We hit a few golf balls out over cliffs like this one, it was fun! Mine went far!

Who brings a baby, a stroller and a golf club on an all-day hike? us:

Heidi did SO well!! She was happy and fun the whole time!:

Dave had a knife and a golf club to protect us from bad people (knife) and mountain lions (golf club). We laughed very hard about this:

the hills were seriously steep:

My favorite moment of the hike - towards the end we looked back at 2 of the huge hills we had climbed earlier in the distance. High fives all around!!:

After, we walked straight to happy hour at Sundried Tomato Cafe in Talega, all sweaty and full of mud haha, where we enjoyed delicious, ice cold, Stella drafts - YUM!

Then we had champagne in the jacuzzi, and then we watched GLEE where Rachel was wearing a Scotty dress and singing about headbands. Colleen and I think they meant for us to watch it together. 



  1. That's soooo impressive for all of you :) Rest your weary you!

  2. I'm glad you made it safely. Ha ha. I still think that hiking rates up there with camping on my NOT to do list. Sorry.
