Friday, February 4, 2011

Special Person!

So I spent the afternoon at Riley's school, Our Lady Queen of Angels, for Catholic Schools Week: Special Persons Day. Riley is one of the 8th graders that I tutor and she is adorable! When she saw me she ran out of her classroom and jumped on me to hug me in front of her whole class. It made me feel really good :). She calls me "SamBell!" - one word. and very excitedly - it's cute. I really like Riley.

Here are some pics:

We went to mass together, then checked out her classroom, then had lunch with all of her friends. Her mom hooked us up with a fabulous lunch set-up... we were def "the fancy table" this year!! 

Then tonight I talked with Jen for hours :) - yay!! So awesome to catch up!! - and little Elsie was all snugly with me the whole time, omg SO CUTE!!:

1 comment:

  1. How cute! She looks really young for an 8th grader. I remember when I was your special person. :) <3
