Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, Feb 6th

Still with the sweet girls today. Took Charlotte to volleyball in the morning and then took Sami and Juliette shopping at the Spectrum. I helped Sami pick out her outfit this morning. I must admit, it was pretty awesome. This is her "model pose":

We rode the giant ferris wheel at the Spectrum - it was Sami's first time - very cute. Sooooo, Stevie is scared to ride it but this (barely) 3-year-old loved it. Haha!:

I watched the Super Bowl with Stevie and Teddddd later and it was SO much fun!! Tedd was hilarious. He fumbled the snack platter while he was washing it and it was all very funny. My favorite Tedd quote of the evening was "That's what the future is going to be like. We're all going to wear light-up clothing." HAhahaha:



  1. Yep, that's what we'll wear in the future--he is so certain. :) What a fun time! I love the fumble too.

  2. hahaha...I'd love light up clothes...I wish they would make adult shoes that light up like the little kids...I'd wear them for sure!
