Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, Feb 13

Everybody got up early to play tennis over at La Quinta's fabulous courts but I slept in and then went for a walk/run - it felt awesome! I LOVE THE DESERT. I can't say it enough or explain it, but I really do. I took this pic of our condo with my phone as I was leaving for my run and the sky is really that blue:

Then we all met up at the pool and had lunch. Lori brought her sweet Pomeranian, Kingsley. I want him. I also would like all of Lori's fabulous white clothes and her pretty white BMW. 

Then we drove home & were stuck behind an Evil Bus in the carpool lane for a while, which amused me:



1 comment:

  1. You know how much I love the desert too. Looks like you had a lot of fun. :)
