Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fri 2/26: Weird Things

Driving was weird today. On the way into Laguna it was sunny and raining at the same time and the ocean looked all dark and really shiny - it was so cool! Then I was stuck for a long time just around the corner from my house and there were cop cars and orange cones and a line a traffic almost a mile long just sitting there. So I turned around and tried to head home another direction but I had to go 15 miles out of the way haha! 
And then at one point today I noticed traffic was reeeeally slow and I looked and saw an exploded fire hydrant and water shooting up everywhere:


Friday, February 25, 2011

Lolo & Leener's Bday celebration!

Today was my last day dog/house/turtle/plant sitting, so I had to get one more pic of my buddy, Finn (and one of my plant buddy haha). Here he is sleeping in, or maybe just lying there motionless, until I tell him he can get up. He slept in til 11 one day!! 

Tonight was SO much fun! We went out in Laguna for Colleen & Lauren's bdays and I really wish we would've taken more pics. Here's one of some of us out at dinner at 230 Forest. Yum and Fun! 

Timmy also came down and a bunch of us came back to my place and played You Don't Know Jack (my new wii trivia game) as "Team Assy" and "Team Poop Jonez" after. It was nail-biting, side-splitting fun haha ;)


Wednesday 2/23

I can't remember what I did today but I know that I luxuriated in the jacuzzi right before bed :)
It was cold out (like 50 degrees!!), and the jacuzzi was at 104, hence the steamy pics:

And Finn, of course, stood guard.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday - THE HIKE!!

Colleen, Dave, Heidi and I hiked all day today. We didn't realize how challenging it was going to be, but it was still really, really fun! I'm laughing now remembering some of the things that happened/were said. We hiked almost 12 miles around the neighborhood of Talega in San Clemente, it took us about 5 hours and it was perfect hiking weather, thank god!

Colleen and Dave are BAD ASS, I must say - Colleen carried the baby 90% of the time and Dave pushed a heavy stroller that was full of our crap the entire time (I got a princess-climb). The hills were steeeeep, the guide maps consider them advanced level, and they did it with a baby!! I will never forget today and I can't wait to tell sweet Heidi about how her amazing her parents are someday :)

view out to ocean:

We hit a few golf balls out over cliffs like this one, it was fun! Mine went far!

Who brings a baby, a stroller and a golf club on an all-day hike? us:

Heidi did SO well!! She was happy and fun the whole time!:

Dave had a knife and a golf club to protect us from bad people (knife) and mountain lions (golf club). We laughed very hard about this:

the hills were seriously steep:

My favorite moment of the hike - towards the end we looked back at 2 of the huge hills we had climbed earlier in the distance. High fives all around!!:

After, we walked straight to happy hour at Sundried Tomato Cafe in Talega, all sweaty and full of mud haha, where we enjoyed delicious, ice cold, Stella drafts - YUM!

Then we had champagne in the jacuzzi, and then we watched GLEE where Rachel was wearing a Scotty dress and singing about headbands. Colleen and I think they meant for us to watch it together. 



I didn't do much today - I'm off this week! So, last minute, I got a pic of what I was doing: I was watching The Bachelor and Finn was watching me:


Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, 2/20

Hung with Finn in the morning - that sweet dog let me sleep until my alarm went off at 10am! I got up from the couch at one point and he went to where I was sitting and just looked at me with his paws crossed. So cute!

Then I had a busy afternoon and a fun evening with the Beshks and forgot to take a pic until the very last moment! So I got one of Heidi sleeping on a beanbag while we talked and enjoyed some fancy Moet champagne in my fancy house (which is actually 7 bedroom/7bath - bigger than Landfall!):
She is so cute and good! Fun night!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sitting on a House, Dog, Turtle and Some Plants

So I'm house/dog/turtle/plant sitting for the next 5 days over at the Tinglers' in San Clemente. This house is gorgeous! It's 6 bedrooms/baths and every inch of it looks like it's right out of an interior decorating mag. I'm off for the next week (it's "Ski Week" for school so all the kids are in fancy ski resorts like Aspen & Vail) so I'm looking at this as a vacation for me!

Here's Finn, he's a dream:

And here's the gorgeous backyard. There's a jacuzzi inside the pool, it's cool :)

But it rained tonight and ruined my jacuzzi-w-friends plan. Boo.


Friday, Feb 18

Had the most beautiful walk/run along the San Clemente Beach Trail today! I did the stairs twice along the way - it was hard. There are over 150 steps - I was counting but then the African-American teenage girl lying on her back on one of the steps screaming "Oh Lawd, take me! I can't go on! I'm gonna die!" distracted me and I laughed out loud and lost count. Here are the stairs from the 1/2-way point - they go right down to the sand:

And then I ran the length of the pier and there was a crane on it, working. It was weird. I kept thinking if I were Shane Coghlan (or any other 4-yr-old boy) it would have been the coolest thing ever:

Then tonight I went over to the Mowers for a little gathering and got to see sweet Katie before she went to bed and the champagne started flowing:


Friday, February 18, 2011

In Case You Didn't Know - I'm Busy.

I was up and going at 8am this morning and didn't sit down until well-past midnight. Meeting, lunch, workout, tutored 3-8, then went over to Sorensons' for Trent's family birthday party. I have been with them every single day since Saturday morning. I totally count as family. McCall got this fabulous Harajuku Lovers bag tonight and she'd already gotten the same one from her friend yesterday so she gave it to meeeeeeeee!! :) 

So I had a really nice run today, and this horse always comes over to say hi when I walk by, even if I don't have a carrot. She's my favorite:


Wednesday, Feb 16th

Busy day! Tutored a lot, then met Trent at the Food Trucks in Irvine for his bday!
Red-Eye Reduction couldn't fix the weird, glowing white eyes tho...
(That's Trent's friend, Zoe, and Kim's friend, Shelly on the left)


Tuesday, 2/15

It rained for like 20 mins today - on my run, of course.  it was kinda fun though, plus it made me run faster :) But for the rest of the day the sky was SO COOL! While I was taking the Miller kids home we saw a beautiful rainbow. Then when we got there we were all freaking out about how cool the clouds were:

Sunset was really pretty with the weird clouds: 

Then I watched the Thurin kids later on and their dogs followed me everywhere and made me laugh. Ollie is a big, goofy labradoodle, and Carlita is a weirdo little chihuahua: 


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Think it Was Valentine's Day?

So I woke up and saw what McCall did to my car last night after we got back from the desert and it made me laugh:

I celebrated Valentine's Day by tutoring a bunch of kids today - whee. Although Jack did give me a heart necklace and this poem for Valentines day which was adorable:

 And then I went back to Sorenson's after tutoring to see McCall on her actual birthday and had a great time over there! 


Sunday, Feb 13

Everybody got up early to play tennis over at La Quinta's fabulous courts but I slept in and then went for a walk/run - it felt awesome! I LOVE THE DESERT. I can't say it enough or explain it, but I really do. I took this pic of our condo with my phone as I was leaving for my run and the sky is really that blue:

Then we all met up at the pool and had lunch. Lori brought her sweet Pomeranian, Kingsley. I want him. I also would like all of Lori's fabulous white clothes and her pretty white BMW. 

Then we drove home & were stuck behind an Evil Bus in the carpool lane for a while, which amused me:



Saturday, Feb 12

Left for the desert at 8am with Kim, McCall, and 2 of her sweet friends, Louisa and Brooke. McCall wanted to celebrate her birthday this year with a "Desert Spa Girls' Weekend" and I was asked to go. It was a gorgeous drive out there (a little under 2 hrs) and, as you can see in the mirror haha, I was very happy to see my beloved windmills along the way:

When we got to the desert we dropped off our stuff in our gorgeous 3 bed/bath condo rt next to La Quinta Resort then went to lunch and to the La Quinta Spa with Kim's friend, Lori who lives out there (lucky). 
We all 6 got fabulous massages:

then lounged on the lawn for a while and chatted and read magazines:

then we all went to dinner at Mikado in the JW Marriott. That resort is so huge that they have a river running through the lobby bar and you can take a boat to dinner!!:

Dinner at Mikado was SO much fun! We all wore birthday hats and everyone would walk by and scream, and our chef was hilarious, and everything was delicious!:

Then we had fun waiting to take a boat back:

(Brooke was exhausted and she fell asleep in the hull of the boat haha)

Then we went back to the condo for cake & more celebrating in our "Party Bus":

And we all fell asleep by 11. Even me. That massage, after the the busiest few weeks I've had in years, knocked me out.


Friday, Feb. 11

First and foremost - this morning, our friend Brandon was able to get tix for him, Stevie & I to see Brandon Flowers in VEGAS!!!!! 

Then I had a fun, sunny lunch with my friend, Julie, at Sundried Tomato. The waiter did not let us know when he was going to take the pic, as you can see:

Then I tutored the Francks and then went over to watch Sarah Thurin at her fabulous house waaaay up at the top of Laguna tonight - omg that house!!! And she is a SWEET, little thing! We worked on her poster for school (aka "I did it"), then we watched the awful "Ramona & Beezus" movie which not even Josh Duhamel's hotness could help. 

I heart crafts!