Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sat Jan 22 - Park City!

So Courtney & I left her car in town last night and took a taxi home. The boys, Shane (almost 4) and Tanner (almost 2) were VERY excited to ride the bus (their first time) into town for lunch and to get the car. We had to walk almost a mile with them in dumping snow to get to the bus stop - it was funny!

Here is adorable Shane at the bus stop, anxiously awaiting his first bus ride:

Here he is when he sees the bus coming - so excited!:

Tanner (and his juice) and I waiting for a table at packed restaurant/bar in Park City called Squatters. The benches are made out of snowboards and they brew a beer called "Polygamy Porter" haha It says"Why have just one?" on the label.

Everyone thought Courtney and I were a lesbian couple with our kids all weekend (Courtney's husband, Jack, was out of town with the snowboarding team). 
Our waiter at Squatters was terrible photographer:

Tanner was SO happy to have TWO JUICES!!! (He says "I want juice" all day, seriously):

Tanner is hilarious! We had so much fun together at lunch:

Then we came home (more "juice"):

and just hung out during the beautiful snowstorm. I LOVE their dog, Lily. She and I have a very special bond. She sat like this every moment I was at home:

I brought her a toy that we played with in the snow:

And she just looks at you like this all day - so sweet!:

Then I was going to take a nap but Lily and Tanner wanted to join so it didn't happen:
