Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fri, Jan 21 - Park City!

I was in Park City, UT Fri - Mon and wasn't able to post pics from my phone like I thought I could. But I had a WONDERFUL time with my friend Courtney and her family. Courtney was a teacher with me here in Orange County and then moved with her husband and boys to Park City last year to open Park City Snowboarding Academy. This is my 2nd annual trip to visit her during Sundance weekend. Loooove them and loooove Park City! 

Here are some pics from Friday:

Met up with my friend Antranig (LA friend, went to law school with Suzy) and a Sundance producer he reps (Jeff Tomsic) on Friday night at Flanagan's amidst all of the Sundance craziness. We texted this pic to Suzy of "2 of her favorite people in the world." The bar was really dark and Courtney couldn't get a good pic of us with my phone so Jeff set this shot up under a bar light and used his iPhone 4 to light it even more. 
So basically, this photo from my phone was directed by a Sundance producer haha:

Here are Courtney and I in the same exact nook we hung out in last year in Flanagans:

Oh so we had a few margaritas and Antranig swore that the lady next to us was Xena, the Warrior Princess. Courtney swore it was Chyna, the wrestler. Then she started making out with a guy that we all swore was a Geico caveman. Turns out she's neither and her kid goes to Courtney's snowboarding Academy - they're friends on fb even haha! I pretended to take a pic of Antranig and Jeff and secretly got 'em:


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