Saturday, January 29, 2011


OK - no sad post today, I promise. I've had a couple of sad days tho, it's weird, I'm not used to it.

Today I got to Lindsay's for tutoring before she got home from volleyball so I went up and hung out on their 3rd floor deck to wait. It's a lovely view, and today was beyond gorgeous weather:

Then I came back over to Meanys & to continue watching their 3 kids here until Monday. Tara (Kindergarten) & Allison (5th grade - I taught her in 1st) & I hung out on their deck and enjoyed a very different view. Sometimes I actually prefer the mountain view over the ocean view... but I love that I can see either one at any time:
Those are Tara's little flip flops, she was all snuggled up next to me. 

Tara is HILARIOUS! And Allison is a DREAM. Probably the nicest girl I know.

Colleen and Heidi came over tonight to hang. So fun! Tara was in heaven b/c she's the only one around here who's never had a baby sibling:

Heidi was such a good sport!!!:

And here are all 3 kids with her:

And then Tara showed Heidi her room and her "beather," which is a stuffed animal otter that she swears is a beaver and pronounces it "beather." I find that hilarious. 

It was nice to not have a sad day but it was a rlly busy day and I am beat.



  1. Sounds like a busy day with nice kids & friends...beautiful views too! Love you...

  2. You are always surrounded by the cutest kids!! And the most beautiful views!! But... where is that cute boy - Paul?? I kinda thought that was a good view too. :) hahahaha cracking myself up.

  3. Haha nice, Bec. I try to avoid unattractive children, views, and boys.

    Love you too, Shirl!
