Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Miller Time

So starting today I pick up the Miller kids from St. Margaret's every Tuesday, take them to their various activities, and then leave at 6 to go tutor McCall. I love Tuesdays! On the way home from school to Emerald Bay, we stopped to get Acai Bowls and parked next to some weirdo French shop called "Jean Paul's Goodies" and Henry got very excited and said we should take a pic in front of just the part that says "Paul's Goodies" (they met Paul last week and really liked him):

I love the Millers!

We all went to the park for a while so that Henry could show off his new skateboard - and Milo the dog could get some exercise fetching tennis balls, then we came back and hung out.

Then I went to tutor McCall after and she and Trent really wanted to recreate the pic of Stevie and I - haha:



  1. Sounds like fun with the Millers...that Henry is too cute! And what can I say about McCall & them!

  2. I absolutely love the re-creation of our photo by Trent and McCall. They are the best!
