Sunday, January 30, 2011

I talk/write a lot at night.

If I did these blogs in the morning they would only be a photo and maaaaybe a caption, if it was after 11am.

I got up early (for like the millionth day in a row :/) and drove up to Long Beach to be a hair model for the International Salon and Spa Expo:

It was really cool. Imagine a huuuuge convention center filled with all the latest & coolest beauty, hair, and nail stuff. OMG!!!!! And it wasn't open to the public, only "industry," so they gave away all kinds of free samples and treatments! I could have gotten free manicures, hair styling, extensions, you name it, but I had to get back to the kids i'm watching. I just got my scheduled Keratin treatment, a haircut (both done by a NYC Ford Models stylist), and 2 little hair bling strands put in, all for free! I've been wanting the sparkly hair things for a while now! They put 2 little sparkly blue strands in (they are only the width of a hair and are tied to a few of your hairs so you just see a little sparkle in the hair), and then I bought some pink ones. 

Then I came back to the kids and Allison had her friend, Kimmy, over - oh i looooove Kimmy and have missed her. She never had me as a teacher so she signed up for any club I taught, no matter what it was :) So we (and Tara) watched a youtube video on how to put the hair bling in (it's quite an intricate, delicate process) and we all played hair salon for a while. I gave each girl 2 pink strands and Allison did 2 for me - it looks so pretty! The girls look like little angels! I can't wait to hear if the kids at school notice. I have pics on my camera but i don't have the cord here...

Oh and I watched Pretty In Pink tonite with Allison and Ryan. I was thinking they'd be bored with it b/c it's so 80's but they loved it. I love them.

I leave you with this, our word of the weekend:

Oh and PS Tara really likes Justin Beather. 
She said this.



  1. I want to go to one of those conventions and get pink sparklies for my cute!!! and that Beather girl is precious...I like her little voice! I bet you'll miss them after a good weekend...

  2. I LOVE this video!!!!! I just saw a clerk at the courthouse that had gold sparkles in her hair. They looked so cute. Maybe if I got silver sparkle ones, they would blend in with my grey hair. :(

  3. She does have the cutest voice!!! We were all in the jacuzzi the other night and she stood up on the side in her little bikini and announced, "It's funny, ya know! I have, like, a perfect body! And it's cuz God wanted me to have a perfect body!" Hahaha!
