Friday, January 28, 2011

"For Stony Limits Cannot Hold Love Out"

Let me start off by saying - Stevie captured a photo of a ghost tonight in an attempt to get a blog pic and you all should really be focusing on that...

So, oh... weird subject change :/, Steve Farkas' parents friend-requested me on facebook today. :(. Steve was in my grade all thru IC and we were the stars of the whole 7th grade Shakespeare program there. We were Romeo and Juliet, and that was a big deal. He was such a sweet guy, very artsy, and, as I look back, very ahead of his time. Steve went to a different HS and ended up being bullied there and taking his life. I hadn't had any contact with his parents since then until today.  
I wrote them a nice note and told them how their son is a very big and happy part of my childhood memoriesIt was tough. I'm so sad for them.

Besides that I stayed at the Meanys' last night and successfully and easily got 3 kids btwn the ages of 5 and 10 to finish their homework, bathe, get to bed on time, get up on time, get 3 lunches and 3 snacks packed, and get to school in perfect time. I feel really good about that. Being a mom is a lot of work.

So I napped from 9-1 haha and then picked up the Millers and spent the afternoon and evening watching them. I didn't take any pics today because I felt a little out of sorts. I didn't even think about it. I could take one of Sally now, she is very cute and I haven't seen her much lately, but instead I'll offer this pic of me and the boys in 8th grade with sweet Steven Farkas' head on my left shoulder. Oh Larry Sellers and your white pants pose!:

And now my line: 
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow."

(I had such a cute pink dress for that scene!)



  1. Geez Sam, 2 sad posts in a row. I do love that picture though. Larry Sellers!! Awesome!

  2. Two rough posts...but I'm glad you replied to the Farcas' FB request. Keep busy and keep saving $ for something good to happen. I love you!

  3. I always loved Larry Sellers! Sooo cute.
    :) Keep smilin Sammers.

  4. Becky, I can still hear you saying, "That Larry Sellers is so cute!" I never listened tho.. and looking back, you were right, he was cute!

  5. Oh and we all look 14 but Brian Kelly looks 7 and Brendan Morris looks 20!! haha

  6. I love this post sB. And Larry's white pants. :)
