Sunday, May 15, 2011

Trent's Tiki B-day Party!

So Trent had his 14th bday party on the Newport Harbor Tiki Boat - it was fabulous! The boat cruised around for  3 or 4 hours while 50 8th graders danced (oh there was "grinding"), gambled, and found dark corners to make out in haha! The adults & McCall were banished to the upper level so as not to embarrass him & we managed to have some old-people-fun up there too!
Here's Trent in front of the Tiki Boat
Sweet Riley that I tutor  
 The "Morph Guys" - these 3 8th grade boys wear this to all the parties haha
 Kim & Katie w Trent's cake


Saturday, May 14, 2011

i skipped a month so here's a month of pics!

Brandon Flowers in San Diego

Brandon Flowers in Vegas
 Me in a shoe

Alien Jerky in the desert

Sally - sooooooo tired! 

McCall performing in the ocean 

Lucy in my car 

Sally in the sun 

Sally in her Easter bonnet 

Suzy giving her baby a bottle, and me giving Suzy her champagne 

Easter Sally hiding an egg 

Stevie & Tim's lovely bonnets 

Easter bonnet decorating at Landfall 

 Egg hunting at Landfall (with a magnifying glass)

Pretty flowers at the house

The Sallster in the bay window

Tiny horses next door 
8 pugs in an RV

Watching sweet girls

View from sweet girls' house in Laguna
Sweet girl trying on my heels 

Playing with CamWow app and cracking myself up 

Mark Kanemura tweeting to me! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I ran a 10K today!! Actually I ran even longer - 7 miles!!! I was trying to get the foursquare "10K badge" but I checked my mileage at the 1/2-way point and forgot to hit "resume." OMG I was so bummed when I got home and it said I only ran 3 1/2 miles!!! I guess I just have to do it again...
I ran from my house to the Dana Point Pier and back. I crossed the new Dana Point pedestrian bridge for the first time:
I may have been delirious but this made me laugh:
Really? Boats are supposed to drive down the left side of the road?
And I also noticed this sign for the first time. Are these new or did I just not notice them before?:
I think new.


Tuesday - Fake Princess!

I had a hellish schedule today - trying to fit extra kids with math tests in, etc but I did have one funny moment in my day with Henry (of course). We were at the park and there was a little girl's b-day party with a "Cinderella" there. Henry turned to me and said, "Did you see the fake Cinderella?" And his friend interrupted and said, "They're all fake, Henry. There's no real Cinderella." And Henry said, "No, SHE was a real one for Disney." Awww. Here's the imposter with her terrible wig and choker:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today's pics have nothing to do with Sally but she is so darn cute and sweet and snugly and ahhsdhnxkfughfksh i just want to bite her!!!

Aaaanyway, I went for a run today on the horse trails behind the house and went a little further than usual and it was so pretty! Look how pretty! That's my backyard. Crazy.

Oh and here's what the pic of us on the greenscreen Shamu turned out to be:


Monday, April 11, 2011

Jammies Til 7 FTW!!!!!!!!

So yes, I was in my jammies until 7pm today. Ask Stevie and Tedd - they witnessed it live on iPad 2 FaceTime at 6:30pm. And then sweet little McCall called me at 6:45 to invite me to her & Trent's "restaurant," Creame (pronounced "creme"). They researched the perfect menu on the internet all day and printed out menus and everything. It was, truthfully, delicious! They created a "signature cocktail" called the Tropical Jones (our little Fiji joke) which was passion fruit and pineapple juice with vodka, shaken in a martini shaker and everything - it was good! And then McCall made parmesan zucchini crisps for appetizers (she got it from the Top Chef website):

The main course was steak and ponzu-marinated chicken breast and grilled brussel sprouts, and the dessert was red velvet brownies. The kids cooked every bit of it. It was a delicious and fun night! Then everyone went to bed and Trent and I watched Real Housewives of Orange County and laughed our asses off.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday Surprise!

So I went for a run today and there are GOATS by the horse stables now! 2 cute, little goats! I could hear them as I was walking down the driveway - omg so cute!!! I love them!! Here is a video of them and some pics of them and the horses along my Dramatic Driveway:

Then Kim had her driver pick me up at 4 for a surprise and we went over to her friend Scott's house on Newport Harbor. He is the developer of Crocs. Nice guy! Cool house on the water! They were hoping I'd like his friend, Brett, who was in town. He was fun but he's 52 and has a beard. A grey beard. Aaaanyway - we had a fun day! Here's me enjoying the fancy life:


Friday, April 8th - Oh Hail.

It HAILED today! Like crazy loud hail! It's April in Southern California! I'm worried about what the world is coming to. Here's a video of tonight's hail:

SB, Sally, and Hail on a HOTT Friday night. I am the coolest person ever.


Thurs April 7 - SeaWorld!!!

Had SUCH a fun day at SeaWorld with Colleen, Dave & Heidi!! They brought their good camera and got a lot of great shots but I don't have them yet...which is why I was waiting to blog, but oh well! Here are some of my iPhone shots:
We rode my favorite ride first (Journey to Atlantis) (well, actually we had beers first)! I got to ride it twice while they took turns watching the baby. It's SO fun! Here's Dave & I:
We saw lots of cute sea animals!

Heidi was a adorable, once again. Best. Baby. Ever. Here she is touching a starfish:
 And here we are being dorks riding the green screen whale. 
I need to scan the real "after pic" in.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


First of all - Yaay! Stevie got a tumblr page! Bec, does Olivia have one? It's all the rage with the 8th graders here (and me, haha). Here's my tumblr to follow:

i didn't take any pics today but i did upload a couple of silly vids to youtube from the past 2 days:

My iPad 2 Unboxing

My iPad 2 Unboxing Parte Dos

And just for fun...

Sally Watching a Stubby Armed Kitty's Video

haha xoxosb:)

Tuesday April 5th - iPad 2 Day!

My iPad 2 arrived today!!! It's beautiful and I love it :):)! That's about it.
Oh and I'm still in love with Jason Segel. 
Oh and I went to Teavana and got some more tea and learned a lot from the girl there. You can reuse the expensive tea leaves up to 5 times!! I got a caffeine-free Coconut Roobios tea for after dinner - omg it's heaven!!!
Oh and I went for a run today and noticed how pretty the talltall palm trees that line the driveway are:

Oh and I snapped a pic of sweet Sally in her new favorite spot. There's a bird's nest right outside this window and she sat here alllll day. So sweet:

I guess there was more to today than just the iPad 2! Who knew!
